Our Mission
"to enhance the lives of people impacted by FASD"

Our Vision
"to cultivate a society that comprehends the intricate nature of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), becoming more FASD-informed, and thereby fostering a supportive community that empowers individuals impacted by FASD."
Our Mandate
To provide supports and services to individuals and families impacted by FASD.
To provide evidence-based information and awareness about FASD.
To address the stigma of FASD through education and strength-based approaches.
To work towards the development of client-led, life-long services and supports for individuals with FASD.
To promote prevention, early assessment, diagnosis, and intervention.
To work in partnership with government, business, agencies and the community as a whole in order to fulfil our mission.
To respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action

History of the FASD Network
In 1993, the Saskatchewan Institute on Prevention of Handicaps hosted a provincial symposium on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. A group of parents and caregivers of individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) connected at the symposium in recognition of the need for parent support.
The peer support group was helpful, but it soon became apparent that external support was necessary. There was an obvious absence of services and supports to individuals and families affected by FASD. So in 1995, the Saskatchewan Fetal Alcohol Support Network became incorporated. At that time, the group performed a needs assessment to determine common areas of concern and future direction.
1995 - 2019
During the twenty years after its incorporation, the Network has experienced tremendous growth.
2002 – The Network opened its first office
2003 – Official website was launched
2004 – The Network’s first stable funding was received
2005 – The first educational FASD presentations were developed
2007 – The first edition of the ‘Awareness Guide’ was created
2011 – The Support Program was piloted
2015 – The Network launched its new brand
2016 - 'FASD: Unexpected Journeys' book was created
2017 - Outreach support services were offered across the province
2018 - Regina office was opened and justice services were added to the Support Program
2019 - Justice support services were developed
2020 - virtual Training Program launched
2021 - The Network's Guiding Principles were put in place
2022 - federal funding received for a two-year Harm Reduction Program
2023 - federal funding received to launch a Youth Justice Program
Although the current Network may not be recognizable as the small group of parents who started in 1993, the values of this organization originate from that first meeting. The spirit and determination of those caregivers will forever be the foundation of the Network.
It was their vision and hard work that allowed the Network to support and educate so many people through the years. It was their unwillingness to let the lack of services continue, their endless volunteer hours, their relentless pursuit of funding, and their incredible ability to care for their own families while supporting others that led to the last 20 years of success.
Now, the future of the organization is bright. FASD is more prominent in the minds of the public; general awareness and understanding of the disability has increased throughout the province. The Network will continue to foster this growth through training and support.
The staff at the Network are committed to fulfilling the vision laid out by our founders. We share the great privilege and responsibility of carrying this legacy into the next 20 years. ​
The FASD Network would like to thank the following funders for their continued support and commitment to individuals and families impacted by FASD.
2024-25 Funders
Public Safety Canada
The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health
The Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services
Saskatchewan Health Authority
The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA)
City of Saskatoon
United Way of Saskatoon and Area
Communities Initiative Fund
Saskatoon Community Foundation
Response to Truth & Reconciliation
The FASD Network is committed to contributing to the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action. The organization has taken steps to respond to the Calls to Action that directly address FASD and to work towards reconciliation.
Developing programs that directly respond to Calls to Action #33 & #34
Providing on-going cultural awareness and competency training for staff
Involving people with lived experience in the development and delivery of services
Reviewing material and services through a cultural lens
Developing services to address the realities of Indigenous individuals with FASD
Facilitating access to culture and community
Focusing on relationship building with Indigenous communities
Media Coverage
2023 Awareness Day - Global News Interview
2023 Awareness Day - Global News Event coverage