Through our Support Program, we provide services to give individuals and families direct support in their daily lives. Using their in-depth understanding of FASD, our Support Workers provide individualized support and one-on-one assistance to meet the unique needs of our clients.
Our Support Workers work with the individual or family to create short-term goals and determine a plan to reach these goals.
Services offered:
Case management
Education on FASD
Strategies for living with FASD
Referrals to community programs/services
Advocacy for support and services
Development of life skills
Access to peer support
Assistance with diagnosis and assessment
Assistance navigating systems such as school, health, income support, social services, justice, etc.
Assistance accessing the Cognitive Disability Strategy
Guiding Principles
All of the Network's support and services start with five guiding principles:
1) Low-Barrier
The Network ensures services are accessible with low-barriers to access.
clients do not need a diagnosis to access supports
there is no wait-list to access supports
clients can be inactive and return to the agency without re-applying for supports
2) Client-Led
All clients are directly involved in directing the service they receive.
clients are in the leadership role to make decisions about their supports
clients can opt-out of support at any time
discussions about clients include the clients
3) Trauma-Informed
The Network recognizes the impact of trauma and actively works to avoid re-traumatization.
staff are trained in understanding the effects of trauma
staff work to ensure clients feel safe and supported
clients are empowered through a strength-based approach to services
4) Harm Reduction
The Network meets clients wherever they are in their journey for support.
the program focuses on building respectful relationships with clients
staff work directly with clients and their circles of support
clients are guaranteed access to non-judgemental services
5) FASD-Informed
The Network specializes in offering services that are specific to FASD.
each staff has in-depth knowledge of FASD
the services offered are individualized to suit each client's unique needs
education on FASD is made available to clients, family members, and other community supports
Saskatoon & Regina Services
The Network now has offices in Saskatoon and Regina with our Support Program operating in both communities. We offer full-time Support Workers at each location who are available to open client files for anyone in need of FASD support and services. The program aims to work with families and circles of support to gain positive outcomes for those impacted by FASD so they recognize themselves as safe, supported and contributing members of the community.
Provincial Services
To meet the needs of individuals and families across the province we offer provincial services to provide support to anyone who needs it in Saskatchewan.
The provincial services provides the same support that are offered in Saskatoon and Regina. When possible our Provincial Support Worker will travel directly to our clients' communities to provide support. We also utilize technology such as teleconferences and video calls to stay connected with clients.
This program aims to support people in the same manner as our Support Program, by utilizing different methods. The FASD Network wants all individuals, families, and caregivers affected by FASD to feel they are supported and connected to services.
Intensive Support Services
As part of our continued partnership with the Ministry of Social Services, the Network offers intensive support services to families impacted by FASD who are in need of assistance navigating the child welfare/protection systems. The main objective of this service is to empower families by giving them the knowledge to manage the behaviours and struggles relating to FASD and to be able to implement strategies with a greater understanding of the approaches and accommodations necessary to increase the capacity of the individual affected by FASD.
To access these services, speak to your Child & Family Program worker for a referral to the Network.
Justice Support Services
Part of the Network's support services includes Justice Support Workers who can help individuals navigate the Saskatchewan justice system by providing advocacy, courtroom support, assistance understanding and complying with conditions, probation and parole planning, release planning, sentencing support, peer mentoring, and access to community support as well the specialized FASD supports offered by our Support Program.
The overall goal of the program is to achieve better justice outcomes so individuals can be safe, supported and contributing members of their community.
An important part of the program’s support services is preparing comprehensive release plans to help clients rejoin their communities. These plans focus on making sure a client has access to community supports that meet their needs including safe and appropriate housing, access to health services, income support and fulfilling activities.
Youth Support Services
The Network's Support Program now includes services dedicated to supporting youth with FASD who have involvement with the justice system.
The program includes workers providing case management services for youth, ages 12 - 18, to increase positive outcomes. The services are tailored to each youth's needs with a focus on skill development and personal goal attainment. The program also have Youth Transition Workers who will work with youth, ages 18 - 20, to assist with the transition into adulthood and provide services intended to reduce factors that may contribute to re-offending. To access these services, please complete the referral form below.
As part of the Youth Support Services, the Network offers the Family Connection Program. More information about the 8 week program can be found under Programs.
Accessing Services
The Network's support services are voluntary. Individuals and families must choose whether they would like support. There is no cost for support services and an FASD diagnosis is not required.
We will work with individuals of any age who are impacted by FASD. When the person living with FASD is a minor we provide services to their caregivers or family.
Individuals or families looking for services can contact us directly or be referred by another organization or support person.
To Access Services:​
Get consent from the
individual with FASD
Support services can also be accessed by calling
Support Meetings
The Network offers a variety of monthly support meetings for both caregivers and individuals with FASD. Support meetings provide a safe, caring, and inclusive space for people to connect with and learn from each other.
If you are interested in organizing a group in your community, the Network can help. We provide workshops on learning how to facilitate a support group, your role as a facilitator, navigating difficult topics, and much more. We can also provide assistance with building and promoting the group.
Caregiver Meetings
The Network hosts Caregiver Meetings in Saskatoon and Regina for caregivers supporting individuals living with FASD. These meetings are an informative and engaging space for parents to connect with each other for ongoing support. Caregiver Meetings provide a safe environment for open and supportive discussion.
Caregiver Support meetings are held every third Wednesday of the month from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. As of September 18, 2024 the meetings will be held in person at the Network's Saskatoon and Regina offices.
Upcoming Meetings:
October 16, 2024 **returning to in-person meetings**
November 20, 2024
December 18, 2024
January 15, 2025
February 19, 2025
March 19, 2025
Peer Support Meetings
The Network also hosts a monthly meeting for individuals living with FASD. Peer Support is often an effective strategy to help individuals cope with a disability and the effects it may have on their everyday activities. Participating in peer support with someone else living with FASD can teach you different strategies and coping techniques you may not think of on your own.
Peer Support meetings are scheduled every second Wednesday of the month from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Meetings are held in both Saskatoon and Regina.
Join us for a peer support meeting and discover how it could help you.
Upcoming Meetings:​
October 9, 2024
November 13, 2024
December 11, 2024
January 8, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
Meetings are available in both Saskatoon and Regina. Contact the Network for directions.
Please RSVP to
email: supportmeetings@fasdnetwork.ca
Saskatoon text or call: 306-291-9969
Regina text or call: 306-570-2802
Youth Connections
Youth Connections are in-person meetings held in both Saskatoon & Regina for youth to connect with other kids who are also impacted by FASD. These meetings will create a safe space for attendees to share their unique experiences, make friends, and learn more about FASD.
These meeting are held on the second Thursday or Friday of each month with food provided at both. Transportation is not provided by the Network.
Upcoming Meetings:
Regina - every second Thursday of the month
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
FASD Network office (1106 Winnipeg St)
October 10, 2024
November 14, 2024
December 12, 2024
January 9, 2025
February 13, 2025
March 13, 2025
Saskatoon - every second Friday of the month
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
White Buffalo Youth Lodge (602 20th St W)
​October 11, 2024
November 15, 2024
December 13, 2024
January 10, 2025
February 14, 2025
March 14, 2025
Saskatoon meetings are for youth ages 15-18 and Regina meetings are for youth ages 12-15.
Online Support Group
The Network recognizes that sometimes caregivers can feel isolated. The FASD Caregiver Support Facebook group allows caregivers to interact with other caregivers across the province. It is a closed group ensuring that all information posted is only shared with the approved members.
Visit the page to request to join.
Other Services
​​Toll-free Phone Line
The toll-free line was implemented in 2002 to meet the needs of parents and professionals by aiding them to access appropriate information and services in their area. The Network’s support workers are able to provide guidance and advice over the toll-free line to families and individuals who need assistance.
Families and individuals that are experiencing a tough time and need the advice of qualified professionals can phone in to ask possible questions they may have about the disability, discuss potential strategies, receive answers concerning assessment and diagnosis, or get help finding resource options in their local community. The toll-free line is also available to anyone who is simply looking for someone who understands and can listen to their story or struggle.
The FASD Network Toll-free line is available Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. Please call 1-866-673-3276 to speak to a Support Worker.