Since 2005, training has been one of the main services offered by the Network. With four distinct training modules, the Network travels across the province to deliver FASD education to diverse groups such as frontline workers, foster parents, post-secondary students, and other community agencies. We are also available for custom presentations at conferences and events.
Information about each of the training modules can be found below. The workshops, training sessions, and presentations can be held anywhere in the province. For some workshops, the Network charges a cost-recovery fee based on the costs we incur to travel and deliver the training.
By receiving training on FASD, organizations that work with individuals living with the disability can gain a better understanding of FASD and tailor supports to meet the individuals' needs.
To request a training, send in a request form to:

Frontline Training
The FASD Network of Saskatchewan offers six-hour training sessions to provide front-line workers with an in-depth knowledge of FASD. The aim of our Frontline Training is to aid workers in fields as diverse as social work, child care, education, addictions, corrections and many other areas in gaining knowledge that will allow them to make sense of behaviours and tailor supports to the individual’s needs.
During this training, you will learn about primary disabilities and how they relate to an individual’s behaviours and actions as well as how they may cause secondary challenges. The second part of the training session focuses on real-life examples and practical strategies. Attendees will gain insight into what life is really like with FASD through the personal experiences shared during the training.
There is a cost-recovery fee for booking a Frontline Training session. These fees are based on the number of attendees, the trainer’s time, and the cost of travel. A certificate will be received upon completion of the training
Online Training Sessions
The Network will be hosting virtual FASD for Frontline Workers Sessions. These sessions will allow organizations that do not fulfil the minimum attendee requirements or individuals not connected to an organization to receive the training. It is also a great opportunity to send any new staff members that have joined your team after your organization completed the training.
Upcoming Sessions:
August 27
To request a Frontline Training, send in a request form​ to:
Training Modules
Understanding FASD Training
During this three-hour training, we will explore the 10 brain domains that can be impacted by prenatal exposure. Learning about how prenatal exposure can impact the different brain domains will challenge attendees to think differently and bring a broader understanding of this unique disability.
Understanding FASD is evidence-based and relies on the first-hand experiences of those impacted by FASD. Attendees will also learn how they can refer people to the FASD Network, what services are offered, and how agencies can work together to provide optimum support.
There is a cost-recovery fee for booking an Understanding FASD session. These fees are based on the number of attendees, the trainer’s time, and the cost of travel. A certificate will be received upon completion of the training
A certificate will be received upon completion of the training.
To request an Understanding FASD Training, contact:
Foster Parent Training
Foster Parent Training is provincially mandated in Saskatchewan due to the high rates of children in care who live with FASD. This three-hour training helps foster families to understand the disability and what strategies and supports they can put in place. Foster families gain valuable insights from the first-hand accounts of other foster parents on subjects such as birth parents, advocating, judgement, and grief and loss.
The aim of our Foster Parent training is to explore how prenatal exposure impacts individuals across their lifespan and learn support techniques to help them be successful. Families who attend this training benefit from complementary booklets to bring home for additional information and the opportunity to connect with other foster parents in the community for ongoing support.
If you are a parent or caregiver looking for training, please contact the SFFA at training@sffa.sk.ca
For all other groups and organizations, send in a request form​ to:
Post-secondary Presentations
The aim of FASD Post-Secondary Training is to educate students about FASD and help prepare them for their future careers.
Students in programs as diverse as corrections, psychology, addictions, nursing, and education benefit from this interactive FASD workshop. Students learn strategies for support and gain an understanding of the lived experience of FASD. Each attendee will be challenged to consider how they might use this knowledge of FASD to make a difference in their future careers. FASD is a unique disability that requires knowledge and understanding of the fundamental behaviours to offer beneficial support or assistance to the individual.
Classrooms throughout Saskatchewan can benefit from these free training sessions that can be tailored to fit the needs of their specific curriculum and future careers. Students, armed with this knowledge, can make a difference.
To book a presentation in your clasroom, send in a request form​ to:
Community Presentations
To meet the diverse needs of different organizations and communities this customizable training module was developed. Community presentations provide a preliminary introduction into the world of FASD. Attendees will gain knowledge about how FASD occurs and how it affects individuals.
This presentation covers topics such as diagnostic criteria, an overview of the primary and secondary challenges associated with FASD as well as how to get involved with the Support Program and other services offered by the FASD Network.
Organizations and communities across Saskatchewan can benefit from these presentations that can be tailored to fit their specific needs. Through discussion with our qualified trainers your community can determine which subject matter to focus on and the ideal duration of your presentation. The Community presentation curriculum is intended as an introduction to the disability if your organization would like to discuss potential tips and strategies, the Network’s other modules offer these components.
To request a presentation for your community, organization or group, send in a request form​ to:
Conferences & Events
If you’re holding an event or conference and would like a presentation on FASD please contact the Network. We’ve provided FASD education at a variety of events for diverse groups, including:
2017 ‘Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan Annual Conference’
2017 ‘Custody & Caring’ held by the College of Nursing
2017 ‘National FASD Conference’ in Calgary, AB
2017 ‘FASD and Gladue Reports’ held by the Law Society of Saskatchewan
2017 ‘FASD Matters’ conference in Minnesota
2018 Saskatchewan Foster Families Association Conference
2018 FASD Conference: Building Capacity and Connections
2018 National Restorative Justice Symposium
2018 Regional Nursing Workshop
2019 Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation Conference in Labrador
2020 We Are All Able Conference